

My blog today is about entertainment. It is about movie.

I found this movie on the BBC website. The title is “Ratatouille features aspiring chef Remy the rat.”
 Charts attract good restaurants of Remy than diehard 4 who used the blues virus well.

 It is a story it cooperates with the boy whom a mouse called Remy follows this movie at an urban restaurant, and train himself with encounter, two people, and to work.


Tanabata Festival
Of Chinese "Star Festival legend " and "Star Festival come funeral offering" the tradition that a payment pays impurity impurity without watching water to carry on its back which tradition of "Weaver" does not appear in event , Japanese ancient times does not appear; carry it on its back; Chino Star Festival custom which lightness writes each place them.
七夕の日は、遠く離れた所に住む彦星織姫が唯一会える日だといわれています。星達が空に天の川”Milky Way"を作ってくれて、その橋の真ん中で落ち合うといわれています。ベトナムでは7月はカラスが飛び立つ月といい、飛び立ったカラスはそのまま銀河まで行って、 2人の為に橋になってやるのだと言われているそうです。


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